Image 5 Exercises

Here we'll do puzzles like the gold puzzle shown in lecture. Reminder: here is the line to use in the loop to multiply, for example, the red value of each pixel by 20:

  pixel.setRed(pixel.getRed() * 20);

1. Iron Puzzle - write code to fix the puzzle-iron.png image. The green and red values in the image are random noise, so they should be set to 0. The real image is in the red values, which have been divide by 10. The "solution" image will look red, since it is exclusively in the red values, so don't worry about that. We'll see a way to fix that redness in a later section.

2. Copper Puzzle - write code to fix the puzzle-copper.png image. The red values in the image are random noise, so they should be set to 0. The real image is in the blue and green values, which have been divide by 10.

3. (optional) There is an image hidden in cold-puzzle.png -- figure out code to change the pixels enough to be able to say what is in the image (even if the color is off).